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'A quarter of a century ago speakers of the Celtic languages could not have foreseen the developments that have since occurred in broadcasting with a wide variety of both TV and radio coverage in the various languages. There is however one anomaly, Brittany.' In a major boost for broadcasting in the
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 25/04/07 19:13

'A quarter of a century ago speakers of the Celtic languages could not have foreseen the developments that have since occurred in broadcasting with a wide variety of both TV and radio coverage in the various languages. There is however one anomaly, Brittany.'

In a major boost for broadcasting in the Celtic languages the Scottish Executive's Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport, confirmed an additional £3 million support to help the Gaelic Media Service (GMS) digital TV channel get on the air. This latest cash commitment means that the Executive has committed in excess of £20 million to help in getting the channel up and running.

Announcing the additional investment Ferguson said:

"Gaelic digital television should have a significant impact on the status and use of language, boosting the confidence of Gaelic native speakers and learners. It will also build artistic and technical skills and extend economic opportunities."

The Celtic League welcome this latest move. In 2005 at our AGM, held on Skye the League focused on the whole area of Celtic Language television broadcasting identifying it as critical to the overall success of Celtic language development initiatives.

The situation regarding language broadcasting in several of the Celtic countries is considerably better than the position two decades ago.

S4C is firmly established in Wales and probably has the broadest reach of all the (TV broadcast) Celtic languages. It currently has two channels and is broadcast on satellite, digital freeview TV and by analogue terrestrial transmitters.

TG4 is also now achieving greater reach and in media terms has undoubtedly been a great success. It is carried on both analogue and satellite in the 26 counties and also can be accessed via satellite in all parts of the north. Terrestrial coverage is more problematic with coverage(via transmitter overspill) from the south of Ireland and also an allotted analogue frequency on the Divis transmitter near Belfast.

The Celtic League has pressed the British and Irish governments to allot a digital frequency to the Irish channel on digital freeview (no success yet).

Some TG4 programming will also become more widely available in the UK with the launch of a new TV station, RTE International, later this year. RTE(Int) will carry programming from RTE 1, 2 and TG4 though it is not clear at this stage what platform (digital or terrestrial) will carry the new service.

Even in Mannin, with a comparatively small (though growing) number of Gaelic speakers, several radio programmes carry a component of Gaelic with one evening magazine programme devoted totally to the language. Mannin has no TV service although paradoxically it is in a reception area that can receive both Welsh (S4C) broadcasts and on its west coast broadcasts in Irish gaelic from TG4

A quarter of a century ago speakers of the Celtic languages could not have foreseen the developments that have since occurred in broadcasting with a wide variety of both TV and radio coverage in the various languages. There is however one anomaly, Brittany.

The one black-spot in relation to language broadcasting liberalisation at present is Breton. The Celtic League Secretary General continues to raise the matter with the French government and broadcasting authorities. Whilst so far there has been little response we are very patient and will continue the pressure!

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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