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Loving Cup or poisoned chalice
The so called 'Loving Cup', made from ornate gold and inspired by the murder of the English King Edward in the tenth century and used to celebrate all things English, has only managed to inspire the wrath and resentment of Cornish political and cultural activists as it makes its way to the Celtic
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 11/03/07 12:00

The so called 'Loving Cup', made from ornate gold and inspired by the murder of the English King Edward in the tenth century and used to celebrate all things English, has only managed to inspire the wrath and resentment of Cornish political and cultural activists as it makes its way to the Celtic nation on the 12th March.

Police have already visited Celtic League Kernow Branch Secretary Mike Chappell, warning him not to disrupt the tour, following allegations that the Cup and the Mayor or Truro are due to be kidnapped if it crosses the Tamar.

The organisers of the campaign that is aimed to raise the profile of Saint George and Englishness have admitted to receiving dozens of e-mails protesting about the arrival of the Cup in Kernow/Cornwall.

However they seem determined to push ahead with his tour and are using all means possible to raise the profile of the campaign off the backs of the strength of feeling that his cause is stirring among people in Kernow/Cornwall.

Pulling in supporters from across England to help promote their mission an ex-England cricketer was called in to speak on radio Cornwall on behalf of St George and the Cup last week.

They seems unable to fathom that Kernow/Cornwall could possibly have a distinct cultural, political, linguistic and historic tradition from that of England.

Following a rumour yesterday that Truro City Council had called an emergency meeting to discuss the situation, Celtic League members and others were urged to email their views again, urging the Council to reconsider following the further claims that the Loving Cup campaign had been an initiative sponsored by the English Democrat Party.

A letters from the League's General Secretary Rhisiart Tal-e-bot extract below:

"Dear Sir/Madam

Loving Cup

This letter is directed at Truro City Council to urge Councillors and the Mayor of Truro to pull out of the 'The Loving Cup' event.

Cornwall has its own patron saint in the form of Piran and does not need to adopt the English patron Saint George by being part of the Loving Cup tour. On the 5 th March Saint Piran's Day will be widely celebrated throughout Cornwall and in other Cornish communities throughout the world. By officially sponsoring the Loving Cup Tour, Truro City Council will not only be endorsing the celebration of St George in Cornwall, it will be setting a president for the celebration of St George's Day in the future.

No other city in any of the other Celtic countries has agreed to host the Loving Cup event for obvious reasons and if Cornwall does so, it will send a dubious message out to other institutions and organisations throughout the Celtic world and beyond.

Cornwall's Celtic tradition, culture, language and membership of Celtic organisations does not fit well with a Cornwall that officially celebrates Saint George's Day....

I hope you have the strength to make the right decision.

Yours faithfully

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary Celtic League

On Thursday 8th March an open meeting has been called by the Kernow Branch of the League and the Cornish Stannery Parliament at The meeting Room, The Trevenson Club, Trevenson road,Pool, Redruth at 7.30PM to discuss possible courses of action, if the Council fail to pull out of the event.

DIRECTIONS: Travelling from the east, turn left at Pool mini roundabout then opposite the old Pool School - plenty of parking available)

Contact Mike Chappell at michael.chappell [at] ... for more information."

J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
See all articles from Celtic League
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