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Celtic Countries: Our Stolen Treasures
I wrote yesterday about the Chronicles of Man and that provoked several queries from Celtic League followers in Wales, Ireland and Scotland seeking more details. The question of Celtic artefacts held in institutions primarily in the South East of England (London) area has long been contentious. To add insult to injury
pour Celtic League le 31/05/16 12:10

I wrote yesterday about the Chronicles of Man and that provoked several queries from Celtic League followers in Wales, Ireland and Scotland seeking more details.The question of Celtic artefacts held in institutions primarily in the South East of England (London) area has long been contentious. To add insult to injury often these artefacts whose provenance to the institutions in question is questionable are loaned back to the countries from which they were removed.The issue is part of a global problem related to looted antiquities and art.In recent years there have been examples of exhibits and artefacts whose stewardship has been held outside their countries of origin being returned. For example some years ago several thousand artefacts were the subject of such a transfer from the United States to Latin America.The retention of artefacts taken from the Celtic countries in institutions in London is I feel sure you will agree inappropriate in this day and age particularly when their insignificance as part of some conglomerate of looted treasures from the colonial period would be outweighed by their significance as a prime exhibit of great value in their countries of origin.The Celtic League has long pursued a policy to seek the return of a number of such artefacts and items of cultural significance to their countries of origin.Information on the Chronicles and the other artefacts which the Celtic League campaign on, including the Lewis Chessmen (Alba), Por Aorelian (Breizh) and the Gold Cape of Mold (Cymru) go to our website at: (voir le site)

Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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