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Kernow/Cornwall: Saint Piran's day. Green Party asked for support
The Celtic League General secretary has written to the Green Party in Cornwall urging support for the Kernow Branch campaign to have Saint Piran's Day adopted as a public holiday
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 4/06/09 0:00

The Celtic League General secretary has written to the Green Party in Cornwall urging support for the Kernow Branch campaign to have Saint Piran's Day adopted as a public holiday (see below):

"Ted Chapman Baga Gwer Kernewek Coordinator info [at] ... 29/05/09

Dear Ted Chapman

Dy' goel Sen Pyran/Saint Piran's Day Holiday

For the last few years the Celtic League has been running a campaign in Cornwall with the aim of persuading Cornish Councils to adopt an annual holiday for their staff members on 5th March (Saint Piran's Day).

As the Cornish Unitary Authority elections approach, I am writing on behalf of the Kernow Branch of the Celtic League, to all the political party offices in Cornwall, in addition to candidates who are standing as Independents, to ascertain what the party position is with regard to our campaign. We would therefore like to know specifically:

1. What is your position on the campaign to establish an annual holiday for Council staff members throughout Cornwall, at all levels of local Government, on Saint Piran's Day? 2. Would your Party in Cornwall support the granting of a annual holiday for Unitary Council staff members on Saint Piran's Day? 3. Would you consider incorporating the call for an annual St Piran's Day holiday throughout Cornwall on the 5th March, into your party's manifesto?

You may already be aware that this year a number of additional councils elected to make Saint Piran's Day a holiday for their staff, including St Blaise, St Columb and Hayle Town Councils. Last year Penzance Town Council and Truro City Council agreed to make the 5th March a holiday for their staff members. This is in addition to Bodmin Town Council who elected to make Saint Piran's day a holiday some years ago now. A number of other councils in Cornwall have said that they are supportive of the idea, but wanted to wait a little longer to see if support grows.

As you can see the number of Councils taking up the initiative is indeed growing. The call is also being supported by all five of Cornwall's Member's of Parliament.

We will look forward to receiving your answers to the above questions and I will then communicate them to our members in Cornwall as soon as we have received them.

Yours sincerely

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary Celtic League"

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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