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- Communiqué de presse -
The Breton Party bids the French Socialist Party to condemn Jacques Auxiette's words and to respect the democratic process of Brittany's reunification
The Breton Party denounces the clutter, or even the indifference or hostility, of the French Socialist Party towards Brittany's administrative reunification. Whereas Jean-Yves Le Drian, president of the region of Brittany, and Patrick Mareschal, president of the County Council of Loire-Atlantique, both members of the Socialist Party, expressed clearly their desire for reunification and acted in favour of it, many socialist councillors have not gone so far
Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 24/02/09 14:48

The Breton Party denounces the clutter, or even the indifference or hostility, of the French Socialist Party towards Brittany's administrative reunification. Whereas Jean-Yves Le Drian, president of the region of Brittany, and Patrick Mareschal, president of the County Council of Loire-Atlantique, both members of the Socialist Party, expressed clearly their desire for reunification and acted in favour of it, many socialist councillors have not gone so far, and give a preference to their personal interest, or that of their party, to Brittany's, or simply France's interest. Marylise Lebranchu, for instance, has not even signed the 19th February 2009 declaration of the Breton MPs for the reunification. Other socialist politicians, who had confirmed their support to the association Bretagne Réunie, withheld or have not signed yet.

The Breton Party denounces Jacques Auxiette's, socialist president of the so-called Pays-de-la-Loire region, heinous and uncalled-for words. He indeed went as far as to say on France 3: "it is a modern-time annexation, or even a certain form of colonization" about the political and administrative return of Loire-Atlantique into Brittany. It is all the more scandalous than he pledged, in his artificial Pays-de-la-Loire region, to build a similarly artificial identity, thanks to an unbridled propaganda policy on the cost of the taxpayers. This policy is indeed similar to a colonization and brainwashing project, through an obsession to "ligerise" a part of the Breton territory.

The Breton Party bids the Socialist Party to condemn Jacques Auxiette's anti-democratic and scornful words.

Besides, the Breton Party regrets the ambiguous motion adopted by the socialist city council of Rennes during the 27th January debate, that took sheerly Rennes' interests as a capital and some vague projects of participation in the debates into account, whereas Caroline Ollivro, member of the MoDem, had proposed a motion in favour of the reunification. The Breton Party similarly regrets Jean-Marc Ayrault's, mayor of Nantes, anti-democratic words, who keeps on being hostile to the reunification, contrary to the majority of the citizens that he represents.

In order to get an issue out of this mess, and acknowledging that transparency and clearness of the positions are the basis of a democratic society, the Breton Party bids the leaders of the Socialist Party to give an official stance on reunification. The politologist Romain Pasquier, from Rennes, explained well the issue for the Socialist Party: "Reunification: the Breton left-wing has got a meeting with History".

For the Breton Party, the Socialist Party has to prove it is an authentically democratic party, and not a senseless apparatus the only objective of which is to keep its councillors, no matter what the economic and cultural price for Brittany's development and for French democracy's values may be.

For the Breton Party, the President, Gérard Olliéric
contact : 06 61 08 80 77

(1) See his interview sur France 3 « Il s'agit d'une annexion des temps modernes » (It is about an annexation of modern times). (voir le site)

(2) See his article : (voir le site)

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