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Access to the internet is a fundamental right for the European Parliament
The European Parliament voted this week a resolution claiming that access to the internet is a fundamental right for every citizen and that \"guarantee access to the internet for every
Par Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 29/03/09 1:47

The European Parliament voted this week a resolution claiming that access to the internet is a fundamental right for every citizen and that "guarantee access to the internet for every citizen is equal to guarantee access to education for every citizen".

This text, that more generally deals with the "reinforcement of security and fundamental freedoms on the internet", was voted by a very large majority, despite the opposition of many French MEPs. It clearly disapproves of the law initiated by the minister Christine Albanel and currently debated in the French Parliament, which aims at setting up the principle of "graduate response", that is, mainly the suppression of any internet access in case of supposed illegal downloads.

The Breton Party congratulates the European Parliament for this action in favour of fundamental freedoms in Europe, but regrets the lack of strong legal value of this resolution.

For the Breton Party, it is important for the European Parliament to be able to have a more significant role on this kind of matter. In this perspective, the Breton Party will run for the European elections.

For the Breton Party,

Kevin Jezequel, member of the National Council, spokesman of the Young Bretons

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