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The European Union needs to address the Basque conflict once and for all.
The European Union needs to address the Basque conflict once and for all.
- Rapport -
The failure of the European Union to address one of the continents most enduring conflicts was reinforced today when ETA exploded a car bomb outside a TV station in Bilboa. Over
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 12/01/09 23:40

The failure of the European Union to address one of the continents most enduring conflicts was reinforced today when ETA exploded a car bomb outside a TV station in Bilboa.

Over the past two years, following a series of 'crackdowns' and 'initiatives' by Spanish and French police, the imminent demise of ETA has been predicted. However, the organisation seems to have the capacity to regenerate iteself which calls into question the accuracy of so-called 'security assessments' of the groups potential to continue its armed struggle.

Only days ago the Spanish media reported that ETA was left with just "a couple of command units and a total of some 55 terrorists".

However, today's bombings seem to belie the predictions of ETAs imminent demise and if anything reinforce the need for a constructive political dialogue to end the protracted Spanish-Basque conflict.

The Spanish government could send a clear message that it was sincere in seeking a negotiated settlement by being more proactive over the issue of Basque prisoners, many of whom are imprisoned far from their homeland in clear contravention of European Prison guidelines. Some concessions have been made by the Spanish authorities but for the most part such initiatives that have been made are piecemeal and lacking in conviction.

What a ludicrous spectacle the EU Foreign Ministers, gathered in conference to deliberate on the crisis in Palestine, present when all can see how singularly inept the EU is at resolving conflicts within its 'own backyard'.

There needs to be a major effort by all organisation and people of good will in Europe to promote a peaceful resolution of the Spanish-Basque conflict and full self-determination for the Basque people.

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League 31/12/08

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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