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KBBV, Breton Society in Vietnam, supports the cause of Scottish independence.
KBBV, Breton Society in Vietnam, is following up on the forthcoming referendum in Scotland with outmost interceltic sympathy for the cause of Scottish independence. We very much hope that the victory
Le Fol Jacques pour Kevredigezh Bretoned Bro Vietnam le 12/09/14 9:54

KBBV, Breton Society in Vietnam, is following up on the forthcoming referendum in Scotland with outmost interceltic sympathy for the cause of Scottish independence.

We very much hope that the victory of the independence party will mean good for the Scottish people.

We also hope that this great example of a democratic decision by the people of Scotland will be an example to follow for our people in Brittany and help them understand that there is no sense of permanence forever in Europe neither for oppression of democratic, cultural and national rights nor for negation of peoples' history.

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