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DHSS logo:
DHSS logo: "The Isle of Man DHSS announced last week that health arrangements with the UK will end in 2010. Thereafter Island residents will need health insurance when visiting the United Kingdom (and vice versa)."
- Rapport -
The Celtic League has said that the the United Kingdoms unilateral decision to tear up a reciprocal health agreement should stimulate the debate over whether the Island should continue its
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 10/10/08 1:39

The Celtic League has said that the the United Kingdoms unilateral decision to tear up a reciprocal health agreement should stimulate the debate over whether the Island should continue its current link with that country.

The Isle of Man DHSS announced last week that health arrangements with the UK will end in 2010. Thereafter Island residents will need health insurance when visiting the United Kingdom (and vice versa).

The Celtic League's Director of Information (DoI) said that, taken with other payments the UK is draining out of the Isle of Man, the Manx people are being 'ripped-off'. Examples include, Manx students at UK Universities paying enhanced student rates, the UK levying a broadcast licence fee for a sub-standard TV and Radio service and a multi-million pound payment for 'Defence and Common Services'.

It is not that the Isle of Man should not pay its way as its economy is sound. However in the past the UK has intervened to obstruct economic and fiscal moves so the Manx end up suffering a 'double-whammy' by 'paying the piper' but not 'calling the tune'.

The DoI told a local radio station that the Manx government is too timid to stand up to the UK and although Ministers like the trappings of government (ministerial titles and salaries) they do not want to accept full responsibility. Of the Manx government he said:

"It's a shameful body really. It really shouldn't have the gall to call itself a government. They like to title themselves ministers and they like to draw the salaries that go with those positions, but they don't behave in a sovereign and independent way. I think this is a wake-up call to them. If you act like a dog, you'll be treated like a dog and this is the way the United Kingdom has treated them in this instance."

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J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League 06/10/08

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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