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Tony Leamon  Cornish and Celtic campaigner
Tony Leamon Cornish and Celtic campaigner
- Rapport -
The police bail of Celtic League campaigner, Tony Leamon, has been extended for a fifth time today following a visit to his house by a Detective only four hours before
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 5/07/08 5:56

The police bail of Celtic League campaigner, Tony Leamon, has been extended for a fifth time today following a visit to his house by a Detective only four hours before he was due to appear at Camborne police station.

In an email to the Celtic League, Mr Leamon, who is the Kernow Branch Treasurer, said:

"I am sitting here shaking like a jelly. Surely this delaying tactic is against the law!

My solicitor rang up yesterday to confirm the date-which they did. So I got everything prepared. Now I am delayed to the 31st July at 3 pm. This is the second time they have cancelled my hearing at the last moment. I am sure such delaying and shock inducing tactics are illegal somewhere, but clearly not in Cornwall.

It will be over 10 months since I was arrested, and I still haven't been charged. Arrested, yes. But not charged. I have been interviewed for over 18 hours, have had my computer, mobile phones, paperwork, flags, and John Angarrak books seized, and still no charge.

I asked DC Hampson why he couldn't get things organised. He said it was "out of his hands". I asked if that was so, could I be seen by the person in whose hands it was. Again, he said, it was out of his hands. The term monkey and organ grinder come to mind."

The psychological strain that Mr Leamon has been undergoing has been enormous. Also the amount of energy and work expended by the Branch and other supporters of Mr Leamon, in furthering the campaign and highlighting his plight, has been considerable. On the last two occasions in particular, where bail was delayed on the day, protests had been organised and callers to Camborne police station from different time zones around the world had woken up in the night to phone to ask after Mr Leamon's welfare.

A video short of Mr Leamon speaking about his 'Reaction to Police Bail' can be found at the link below:

(voir le site)

The General Secretary (GS) of the League has written once again to Chief Inspector J Meakin of Devon and Cornwall Police, whose department was requested to deal with Mr Leamon's case, to make a formal complaint:

"Chief Inspector J Meakin District Police Headquarters Luxstowe Liskeard PL14 3DX


Reference PSD/QU/48/07

Dear Chief Inspector J Meakin

Extension of police bail period for Tony Leamon

I am writing further to my previous letter to you dated 18th March 2008, regarding Tony Leamon.

As you will remember, I wrote to complain about the way Mr Leamon had been treated by Devon and Cornwall police by being called in to answer police bail on two separate occasions and then questioned for lengthy periods. Today, Mr Leamon was due to answer his bail at Camborne police station for the fourth time, but the bail was delayed again until 31st July.

This is the second consecutive occasion that Mr Leamon's bail has been delayed and on both occasions it wasn't until only a couple of hours before he was due to leave his home that he was informed of the delay. As you will be aware from my previous correspondence, Mr Leamon has suffered severe psychological strain as a consequence of his arrest and has even made a suicide attempt in recent months. The treatment that he continues to receive by Devon and Cornwall police force is tantamount to psychological torture and seems like a deliberate tactic to wear Mr Leamon down.

I have copied this letter to Mr Leamon's Member of Parliament, Julia Goldsworthy MP, Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Stephen Otter, Tony Leamon's lawyer, the Divisional Crown Prosecutor for their reference and information and Ginette Harris of the West Briton newspaper.

Yours sincerely

Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary"

Relevant links to earlier items on Celtic News at:

(voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site) (voir le site)

Celtic league J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League


The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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