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As volunteers clean beaches multi-nationals lose thousands of containers in our seas
Every year thousands of containers are lost overboard from container ships. On this one Maersk vessel alone over 500 containers were lost. Eddie Power, who runs the Crown Dependency News site, is back of its hols so the Manx Social Media equivalent of the Financial
pour Celtic League le 26/08/16 16:10

News from the Mannin branch, Celtic League"Every year thousands of containers are lost overboard from container ships. On this one Maersk vessel alone over 500 containers were lost".Eddie Power, who runs the Crown Dependency News site is back of its hols so the Manx Social Media equivalent of the "Financial Times" is back in business with an eclectic mix of articles.He was carrying this one today about shipping company Maersk, or more accurately one aspect of its vast operation (link): (voir le site) wasn't particularly surprised at the story about downsizing in the offshore oil supply area as with the glut of world oil places like the North Sea have been in trouble for a while.It did get me thinking though about what Maersk and other conglomerates who are the giants of the shipping container business are doing to our seas.Every year thousands of containers are lost overboard from container ships. On this one Maersk vessel alone over 500 containers were lost (link): (voir le site) CNN article suggests as many as 10,000 a year are lost others say it's a more conservative 2000. I'm not sure what levy is charged or if it can be charged at all for all this detritus the big container shipping companies are losing it just seems appalling that this is being allowed to continue.At one time the only reason ships lost cargo was when the ship sank because most cargo was stowed below timber boats were the exception. Now container ships stack the potential steel floating debris ever higher.All round the coasts of the British Isles and Europe there are voluntary groups like the beach buddies we have in Mann cleaning beaches and yet at the same time multi-nationals like Maersk are making a right tip of the world's oceans.Note it says in the CNN story that despite the danger hazard and pollution these containers can cause:"There is no requirement on shipping lines to report container losses to the International Maritime Organization or other international body, so no one seems to know how many containers are lost at sea every year".Its past time that there was the IMO stopped "sitting on its thumbs" and ensured that shipping containers stay where they should be and don't come of a ship until it reaches port! Additionally, despite the fact there is no regulation as yet would it be too much to ask Maersk and there ilk to behave more responsibly?The oceans belong to the people of this planet not Maersk and the other shipping firms with their chequered record in relation to this form of pollution!Bernard MoffatPublic Relations Officer Mannin BranchIssued by: The Mannin branch of the Celtic League.Tel: 01624 877918 or 07624 49160922/08/16The Celtic LeagueThe Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries including our own Mannin branch. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issues

Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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