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?The Cornish Research Landscape? ? Conference First for Cornish Language
News from Celtic League The first annual Cornish language research conference is being held this month in Redruth with contributors from across the globe presenting research papers on an eclectic and interesting mix of linguistic and sociolinguistic themes. The conference has been organised in partnership with Cornwall College, Maga and
pour Celtic League le 12/10/14 15:10

News from Celtic League The first annual Cornish language research conference is being held this month in Redruth with contributors from across the globe presenting research papers on an eclectic and interesting mix of linguistic and sociolinguistic themes. The conference has been organised in partnership with Cornwall College, Maga and the Institute for Cornish Studies with the aim of holding an annual event to showcase Cornish language research, whether linguistic, socio-linguistic or statistical. It is hoped that the partnership will help to collate, promote and encourage further research into the Cornish language, while collecting previous research together and cataloguing it for cross-reference purposes. A further aim of producing an online journal to regularly publish research material has also been discussed, along with offering of a postgraduate research programme, linked to a scholarship award and a summer school event. The conference will start with a keynote address from Professor Ken MacKinnon on ?The Cornish Research Landscape?. Professor MacKinnon has been involved with Cornish language research, as well as research into the Gaelic language for a number of years and was commissioned by the UK government to write a report into the state of the Cornish language in 2000, which was instrumental in gaining recognition for the language. Professor MacKinnon?s address will be followed by a number of academic presentations and discussions across the two days culminating in a Plenary session which will sum up the conference and address the way forward. A wide range of papers have been put submitted and accepted for the conference, ranging from consideration of grammatical constructions to comparative talks on linguistic policy and literary topics. Presenters will be joining in person and, for some of those from afar, by Skype. The conference will also see the launch of a new website dedicated to academic discussion and research on Cornish, on which it is hoped to publish the proceedings. One of the organisers of the conference, the League?s Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, said: ?In the absence of a university department in Cornwall dedicated to the Cornish language, researchers have found it difficult to access research material or link with other researchers in their field. This Partnership that has been formed between Cornwall College, Maga and the Institute of Cornish Studies to provide a bias on which to build a platform from where Cornish language research can be nurtured and grown. ?The research partnership has been a long time coming, but over the last few years especially there has been a greater volume of research into the language and some of this has been fairly similar. I have personally been contacted on a number of occasions by researchers who have been unaware of other research on aspects of the language that would have benefitted their own studies. The Partnership - or ?Skians' as it is becoming known - represents a further growth in the development of the language and one that will no doubt benefit Cornish in the long terms.? The conference starts on Monday morning and finishes on Tuesday lunchtime and the costs for the two days, including coffee and lunches is £15. There will also be an optional conference dinner on Monday evening. The cost remains the same whether delegates attend one or two days. Contact cornishlanguagepartnership [at] cornwall.gov.uk for further information or telephone 01872 323465. Alternatively Cornwall College, Camborne can be contacted directly on 0845 22 32 567 and payments can be made by cheque or card, with cheque payments sent to Cornwall College, ?The Cornish Research Landscape?, Trevenson Road, Pool, Redruth TR15 3AB, Cornwall or made in person in ?Enquiries? at Campus Central, Camborne. 12/10/14 Link: (voir le site) Booking Form: (voir le site) For comment or clarification on this news item in the first instance contact: Rhisiart Tal-e-bot General Secretary, Celtic League gensec [at] celticleague.net M: 07787318666 The General Secretary will determine the appropriate branch or General Council Officer to respond to your query. ISSUED BY THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE??The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. Internet site Sign up for news    

Voir aussi :
The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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