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Protesters in North Mayo. Photo: Shell to Sea.
Protesters in North Mayo. Photo: Shell to Sea.
- Rapport -
Ireland: Support urged for jailed Shell protester
There have been continued demonstrations in Co Mayo in support of Pat O'Donnell who was jailed for a total of seven months in February as part of ongoing opposition by local people to the controversial Shell Gas project on the North Mayo coast.
Cathal Ó Luain pour Celtic League le 10/03/10 0:49

There have been continued demonstrations in Co Mayo in support of Pat O'Donnell who was jailed for a total of seven months in February as part of ongoing opposition by local people to the controversial Shell Gas project on the North Mayo coast.

Last weekend there was a motorised rally through the area to demonstrate support for Mr O'Donnell.

At the conclusion of Mary O'Donnell, (Pat's wife), read out a message to the crowd from her husband saying that people should not be intimidated by his jailing, and he asked the community to be vigilant against Shell's "proposed damaging survey work this summer".

The rally was also addressed at Ballyglass Pier by Eoin Ó Leidhin, who was in Castlerea for three days last week, as well as by Maura Harrington and Willie Corduff (who have both been jailed themselves as part of the struggle). The speeches sent a message of solidarity to Mr O'Donnell, and stressed that the campaign needs to remain strong and unified in his absence.

"This rally shows that the people of Erris are with Pat O'Donnell during his unjust imprisonment," said Shell to Sea spokesperson Terence Conway. "We will continue to fight the imposition of this project by Shell and the Government.

"Pat has been jailed because his opposition has been steadfast and powerful, and because Shell want to go about their destructive survey work easily this summer – the community will strongly oppose this because of Shell's long record of contempt for the environment and the people here."

There is a link with background here:

(voir le site)

Letters of support can be sent to Pat at the address below

Pat O'Donnell, Castlerea Prison, Harristown, Castlerea, Co.Roscommon.

Alternatively you can email mayoshelltosea [at] ... and they will pass on your email to Pat.

Related recent article on Celtic News at:

(voir le site)

Issued by the Director of Information Celtic League


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The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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