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Bugaled Breizh back in Brittany (Brest) after being “fished up” off the British Cornwall coast. Photo Anthonydela June 2008. Wikimedia Commons.
Bugaled Breizh back in Brittany (Brest) after being “fished up” off the British Cornwall coast. Photo Anthonydela June 2008. Wikimedia Commons.
- Petition -
Bugaled Breizh. The local Fishing Comity of Le Guilvinec (Finistère) has sent an on-line petition
This on-line petition sent September 11th is in favour of the plaintiffs at the audience October 6th, 2009 at Rennes (Brittany) Court of Appeal. The petition is asking for a public audience
Bernard Le Tellier pour OMEB le 12/09/09 7:28

This on-line petition sent on September 11th is :

In favour of the plaintiffs for a public audience on October 6th, 2009 at Rennes (Brittany) Court of Appeal.

Let us support them!

(voir le site) of the petition.

(voir le site) on Wikipedia.

(voir le site) . An inquiry. In French...

Comité Local des Pêches
(Robert Bougueon, president)
La Criée
BP 71
29730 Le Guilvinec
02 98 58 13 78
(voir le site)

Document PDF 16063_2.pdf Bugaled Breizh petition for a public audience at Rennes Court of Appeal. On October 6th 2009. Printable version.. Source : Local fishing comity. Le Guilvinec Brittany
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