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- Communiqué de presse -
Lorient/An Oriant 17.10.06: Communiqué from the Association of Parents from Merville nursery school in Lorient.
Lorient/An Oriant 17.10.06: Communiqué from the Association of Parents from Merville nursery school in Lorient. Merville Nursery School: Teacher stops working et#8722; she has not been paid [LORIENT - 17 October 2006] This morning in Melville nursery school in Lorient, the children from the bilingual classes will not be
Par Émilie Champliaud pour ABP le 23/10/06 14:04

Lorient/An Oriant 17.10.06: Communiqué from the Association of Parents from Merville nursery school in Lorient. rnrnMerville Nursery School: Teacher stops working et#8722; she has not been paid rnrn[LORIENT - 17 October 2006] This morning in Melville nursery school in Lorient, the children from the bilingual classes will not be welcomed by anyone. rnrnTheir teacher is not here. Don't worry; she is fine, she is not sick. Her problem lies somewhere else et#8722; she has not been paid. rnrnDo you know that? Ghislaine is a substitute teacher. She is under a precarious contract, which is only valid for the school year (i.e. ten months). rnrnShe earns 550€ a month (after taxes have been deducted), from which she has to pay 180€ for transport to come to work (100 km a day). Her work is therefore worth to her the mere 370€ that remains. She accepted these conditions, but cannot keep waiting for the public administration to decide to pay her!rnrnShe requested the Academic Inspection to pay her an advance on her salary at the beginning of the month, which they promised to do. They even told her that they had transferred the money already. rnrnToday on the 17th October, she has still not received any money and still needs the advance that she has been promised in order to credit her account. Yesterday evening they promised to transfer the money on 24th October. On 24th, who knows what they will promise her? rnrnGhislaine is not going to work without being paid every month. She is right and we, the parents of the children of Melville nursery school, support her. We support her bravado in dealing with such an inhuman administration. rnrnParents are also supporting her colleague et#8722; also a substitute teacher et#8722; who is teaching in Ghislaine's bilingual class this morning. She has not been paid for September either, but perseveres in teaching our children and does it competently. rnrnThe situation of all the public education substitute teachers et#8722;both in primary and secondary education et#8722; is detestable and unacceptable. Only a few of them dare to speak out, for fear of the consequences. rnrnSome even fear that if they do speak out they will be failed at their teacher examinations. It is so easy to put a black mark against a name when one is part of an examining board. Once again, we support Ghislaine's' courage. rnrnOut of solidarity for our children's teachers, we demand that their salary be paid within 24 hours and delivered to their school if necessary. rnrnDo we have to repeat this? The French National Assembly decided that the 10th May should be the Abolition of Slavery Day et#8722; a meaningful day indeed. This will soon be written into all school books. rnrnIt is therefore inconceivable that in a country that says it holds up human rights, the Ministry for National Education, lead by M. Gilles de Robien, deals with its staff with so much contempt. rnrnWe are organising a collection to support the bilingual teachers of our children. Please address your donations to the School Cooperative, who will split the money between both teachers. rnrnYou can also express your disapproval by calling the Academic Inspection in Morbihan, the number for which is 02 97 01 86 00rnrnAddress your checks to the School Cooperative and send them to: Skol Vamm Publik An Oriant Merville - Soutien aux enseignantes bilingues (Support to bilingual teachers) - 1 Bali Marne - 56100 AN ORIANT rnrnYou can also visit the following website [See website] to read the letter sent to the Breton Deputies and published by ABP.rnrnParents association in favour of the creation of a bilingual class in Merville nursery school in Lorient. rnrn

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