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Welcome to Dalaï Lama in Brittany
The Breton Federalist Alliance is honored to receive the Dalaï Lama in Nantes, south Brittany. In name of Breton people we want him to know how much his high spirited
Par Gwenael Kaodan pour Alliance Fédéraliste Bretonne - Emglev Kevredel Breizh le 12/08/08 12:36

The Breton Federalist Alliance is honored to receive the Dalaï Lama in Nantes, south Brittany.

In name of the Breton people we want him to know how much his high spirited conduct is appriciated here on the old Breton soil.

We too, stay side by side with the Tibetan people fighting since decades for a kind of self-government, respect for its religious values and right to happiness.

Long life to the Tibetan-Breton friendship.

The Chairman, Dr J. L Le Mee

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