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La Kreiz Breizh Akademi 5 : du beau travail
Allons, tout ne va pas si mal en Bretagne : tant qu'il y aura des musiciens et des chanteurs...
Fanny Chauffin pour FC le 28/10/15 18:52
Réalisation :

Allons, tout ne va pas si mal en Bretagne : tant qu'il y aura des musiciens et des chanteurs...

Erik Marchand commence à peine la sixième Kreiz Breizh Akademi que la cinquième formation, orchestre de cordes autour de Youenn Lange et Jan-Luk Ar Moel, sort son disque avec un clip travaillé, des musiciens au top, et le kan ha diskan dans ses plus beaux atours...

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Vos 2 commentaires
Arch Le Mardi 1 décembre 2015 03:15
My spam for this entry is self-controlLouis: Presheate your reply. It is interesting it is the piotilcs of the Texas Regulars and Council For National Policy Moyers brought up when Pressler walked off the set in the PBS documentary Christmas 87; and the subject of the 11am press conference in San Antonio Weds of that convention with James Dunn and Neal Rodgers looking at some political activity of Pressler and Patterson that are key to the SBC takeover story. I hope BDW comes across your statement here and brings it to the attention of folks at Baylor, even Ken Starr himself. Maybe this fall or next spring they can take it up yet again. As you can imagine I am in the column of the CET periodical, and their board of directors on matters of truth of this level of gravity. And with Robert Marsh, whose son, Charles has a bio of Dietrich Bonhoeffer coming out fall 2011. Maybe the discussion in wake of that publication will shed new light on these matters. Hope we for sure can re engage then as I'm sure we will have more episodes in the interim. I have a prayer request I am working on the rest of the afternoon; but will check in again shortly thereafter.

aviador rayo prohibe la venta Le Jeudi 9 juin 2016 14:42
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aviador rayo prohibe la venta

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