« Horizons Bretons » is a magazine that is produced by the “Bretons du Monde” team [See website]. « Horizons Bretons » is devoted to the Breton diaspora and will be included as a supplement in Armor−Magazine.
In the January 2007 issue, readers can read about :
- Mozaïk (Spezet Brug ar Menez troup's show in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Breton circle of Sartrouville, in Yvelines, on 22nd October)
- Didier Le Gal from Pescarolo Sport in the United Arab Emirates
- The musical rum route : two bards at the XIVe harp days in the Caribbean
- Breton music in Provence : Sonerien ar Su and Noz gwenn
- Bretons from Paris displayingn their unity (An evening on 26th October that gathered together members of Club de Bretagne, Cadres Bretons and Paris Breton, with a Breton buffet made by Lafayette Gourmet.)
- The January−February 2007 programme of the Breton people in Ile de France, France and the rest of the world ( traineeships, festoù−noz, exhibitions, evenings and concerts).