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Gorsedd Digor at Brasparts-Brasparzh on July 19th 2015
The annual public ceremony of the Gorsedd of Brittany took place at Brasparzh in the Saint-Kaduan stone circle. Today the Grand Druid sends this message: Thanks again to all persons attending for this beautiful and noble yesterday
Par Ludovic Louboutin pour Gorsedd de Bretagne le 21/07/15 10:41

The annual public ceremony of the Gorsedd of Brittany or Goursez Vreizh (1) took place at Brasparzh in the Saint-Kaduan stone circle (2).

Were invited, as every year, delegates of both the other gorseddau. Came this year from over the Channel the Archdruid of Wales, Jim Parc Nest (3), from the Gorsedd Beirdd Ynis Prydain (4) and Maureen Fuller (5), Grand Bard of the Gorsedh Kernow (6), since 2013.

The Archdruid of Wales Jim Parc Nest, the Grand Bard of Cornwall Maureen Fuller, the Grand Druid of Brittany Per-Vari Kerloc'h are going to celebrate the annual Gorsedd digor, this year in Brasparts, July 19th 2015.

Today the Grand Druid Per Vari Kerloc'h (7) sends this message:

Thanks again to all persons attending for this beautiful and noble yesterday.

Down here, in PDF, his Breton speech on the maen log, the stone in the center of the circle.



(1) Gorsedd of Brittany : http://www.gorsedd.fr/category/news-section?lang=en&lang=en trilingual, English page, with the speech translated in French and Breton (click on the flag).


(2) Ceremonies in Brittany:

- http://www.leparisien.fr/bretagne/finistere-le-grand-rendez-vous-des-druides-21-07-2015-4960859.php of the Parisien, July 21th 2015, by Yves Pouchard, entitled Finistère : le grand rendez-vous des druides, with a photo.

- http://www.ouest-france.fr/la-gorsedd-entre-commemorations-et-reforme-territoriale-2715734 of Ouest France, July 21th 2014, thats tells in French about the 2014 ceremony entitled Gorsedd between commemorations and [Regional] territorial reform.

- http://www.ouest-france.fr/ceremonie-druidique-publique-arzano-2709485 of Ouest France, that annonces the 2014 ceremony, with a good photo of 2013.

- ( voir notre article ) report of the 2012 ceremony. With a video After the ceremony Mick Paynter, Grand Bard of Gorseth Kernow since 2009, poet and activist... and Penri Roberts, Druid of the Welsh “Gorsedd y Beirdd” tell ABP about their druidic assemblies.

- ( voir notre article ) (same in French) but with 14 photos, another video montage of excerpts (2 mn).

- ( voir notre article ) : Per-Vari Kerloc'h, drouiz meur, article in Breton about the Gorsedd digor 2012 too with 4 photos and two videos of the Grand Druid's address in Breton on the central stone.

- ( voir notre article ) in 2009, the centenary year of the Gorsedd of Brittany, with the speech on the maen log, translated in French and published in its whole on the page.


(3) The Archdruid of Wales: http://www.gorsedd.cymru/archdderwydd.php of Gorsedd Cymru, archdruids and regalia page.


(4) Gorsedd Beirdd Ynis Prydain: meaning The Gorsedd of Bards of the Island of Britain http://www.gorsedd.cymru/ of the Welsh Gorsedd Gorsedd y Beirdd, only in Welsh. http://www.gorsedd.cymru/urddo.php for 6 mn of speech in Welsh language.


(5) Maureen Fuller http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/teacher-new-Grand-Bard/story-16727190-detail/story.html of the Cornish Guardian in English about her election. And http://www.ouest-france.fr/gorsedd-de-bretagne-pour-un-autre-statut-de-la-langue-bretonne-753402 of Ouest France telling her presence at the Gorsedd digor 2013 in Arzano.


(6) Gorsedh Kernow: http://www.gorsethkernow.org.uk/ of Cornish Gorseth, bilingual Cornish and English.

Gorsedh Kernow page wiki in Kernowek (cornique), Cymraeg (gallois), English (anglais) but not in French.


(7) Per-Vari Kerloc'h: http://www.letelegramme.fr/ig/generales/regions/bretagne/gorsedd-per-vari-kerloch-elu-grand-druide-de-bretagne-20080226-2598782_1234238.php of the Télégramme, in French, February 26th 2008, entitled Gorsedd. Per Vari Kerloc'h elected Grand druid of Brittany . Photo during the Tromenie at Locronan last summer (2007).

Document PDF Prezegenn war ar Maen Log. Gorsedd digor 2015. Source :Goursezh Vreizh
Document PDF Address on the Maen Log. Gorsedd digor 2015. Source :Gorsedd of Brittany
Document PDF Discours sur le Maen Log. Gorsedd digor 2015. Source :Gorsedd de Bretagne
Gorsedd Breizh: Brotherhood of Druids, Bards and Ovates of Brittany, created in 1899.
Fraternité des Druides, Bardes et Ovates de Bretagne, fondée en 1899.
[ See all articles from Gorsedd de Bretagne]
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