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French colonialism a recipe for disaster
(Guyane : déclaration commune des organisations indépendantistes de Corse, Bretagne, Pays Catalans, Pays Basque) Several European independence groups have joined a call the week for the people of the French colony of Guyana to be given independence. The call coincides with the ongoing French presidential elections. The groups say that current poverty
Par pour Celtic League le 24/04/17 16:10

(Guyane : déclaration commune des organisations indépendantistes de Corse, Bretagne, Pays Catalans, Pays Basque)Several European independence groups have joined a call the week for the people of the French colony of Guyana to be given independence. The call coincides with the ongoing French presidential elections.The groups say that current poverty in the French colony is caused by the absence of decision making sovereignty.The group including Corsicans, Basques, Bretons and Catalans confirm their support for and solidarity with the Guyanese people who they say , like all peoples under French rule, have the right freely to decide in favour of another institutional, political, economic, social, linguistic and environmental model.“Nous affirmons notre disponibilité pour toute campagne de solidarité avec le peuple Guyanais qui comme tous les peuples sous domination française a le droit de librement se déterminer en faveur d’un autre modèle institutionnel, politique, économique, sociale, linguistique et environnemental.“Organisations signataires le 20 avril 2017 : Pays Catalans : CUP Perpinya – Corse : Corsica Libera, A Manca – Pays Basque : Sortu – Bretagne : La Gauche Indépendantiste (Bretagne en Luttes/Breizh O Stourm)”BERNARD MOFFATTpp Celtic League.22/04/17 

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
[ See all articles from Celtic League]
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