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Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
- Anniversaire -
nidiad, a new year
Greetings, A new year is coming up and with it Nidiad's second one; the new literary magazine which was born last year. Since its beginning it has become bigger, more developed
Hoel Mahe pour Nidiad le 24/01/11 23:04


A new year is coming up and with it Nidiad's second one; the new literary magazine which was born last year. Since its beginning it has become bigger, more developed and complex. Its writers questioned various themes, whatever it may have been: the question of modernity, the fragility of the boundaries between prose and poetry, the ideological origins of fascists totalitarianisms or links between antic, medieval, modern and contemporary thinkers. It has also been a place, a site to young writers and poets to search, in lands worth to be explored, something they own; a quest of beauty sought after in the imagination of new spirits.

To start the New Year, Nidiad is offering a special issue devoted to the American writer Howard Philips Lovecraft. In this special issue are to be found especially two short stories and an article of this writer translated by two of writers of our magazine and some biographical information. Enough to celebrate New year's Eve in a worthy way !

To the ones that would be willing to read issue from the past year, you can order them to the magazine's editorship. You must know that you will be charged 5 euro per number and that we are not offering any wholesale price for groups of these issues.

Yours sincerely,


Document PDF 21105_2.pdf bulletin d'abonnement Nidiad. Source :
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