EMGANN Left independantist breton movement
BP 70215 22202 Gwengamp cedex www.emgann.org
EMGANN supports Yannig BARON, Dihun chairman, on hunger strike. By this note we salute all those are struggling for breton teaching (Diwan, Div Yezh, and the lessons on second level). Every public or private body who explains dealing with breton teaching must stand loyalty to its speech. The struggle for the breton, as national Britanny language, will be victorious when it will be clearly led by the aim of recognition as official language in Britanny. And to promove such goal we have to begin by broading the people to the national conciousness. Struggle for breton language can not be cut of the political changes wihch it is strongly linked whith them. Keep that in your mind when you'll be in the Rennes's demonstration the next 3rd of june.
On behalf on EMGANN Yannig Laporte