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Food And Fuel Poverty Now Homelessness ? Whats The Facts Minister Asked
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Sometimes you hear items on the news which cause a flippant reaction on other occasions it just makes you angry. The latter was the case when I heard a news report today which said homelessness and general accommodations needs are a ?growing? problem. Added to food and fuel
Par pour Celtic League le 17/02/16 16:10

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUESometimes you hear items on the news which cause a flippant reaction on other occasions it just makes you angry.The latter was the case when I heard a news report today which said homelessness and general accommodations needs are a ?growing? problem.Added to food and fuel poverty and people pushed of incapacity benefit and having JSA slashed plus the problem for those on low or fixed incomes and you ask how long can this nightmare go on.The first thing of course is to establish what the facts are and I have written to DOI Minister, Phillip Gawne MHK, whose Department currently has the government housing portfolio to ask what statistics they have and if this is indeed a growing trend. If it is I have asked him will he raise it in COMIN.As I say in the correspondence:?I appreciate a great focus at present is on ?kick-starting? economic growth and millions have been set aside for this. It would be perverse in the extreme if we can find money for this while people are homeless.?The full text of the letter to the DOI Minister is below:?The Minister for InfrastructurePhillip Gawne MHKDOISea Terminal BuildingDouglasBy Email15th February 2016Dear Phillip,I read a report today on the Manx Radio website about a potential growth in homelessness and specifically a need for emergency accommodation by an Island Homelessness charity.Given that there are already problems for folk whose accommodation needs are currently being met over fuel and food poverty this is an added deprivation factor is terms of Manx social life.I understand Infrastructure does have the housing portfolio from the government perspective and therefore I wondered if you did maintain statistics that would indicate if problems are/have becoming exacerbated over recent months.I have checked your website and (unless I have missed it) there is no specific information on the matter although it does say that DOI ?sets housing policy and monitors compliance? etc.I appreciate there are all manner of pressures on government but as a very basic I would hope that the ability to provide, food, heating and a roof over the head of Island residents is a basic that should be met.If there is an increased problem would you raise it in Council of Ministers?I appreciate a great focus at present is on ?kick-starting? economic growth and millions have been set aside for this. It would be perverse in the extreme if we can find money for this while people are homeless.Yours sincerelyJ B Moffatt (Mr)Director of Information?Link to the news report here:http://www.manxradio.com/?/growing-demand-for-housing-char?/BERNARD MOFFATTIssued by: The Celtic News15/02/16THE CELTIC LEAGUE INFORMATION SERVICE.The Celtic League established in 1961 has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It promotes cooperation between the countries and campaigns on a range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, military activity and socio-economic issueshttp://celticleague.netShare this!

The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It highlights human rights abuse, monitors all military activity and focuses on socio-economic issues. TEL (UK) 01624 877918 MOBILE (UK)07624 491609 (voir le site)
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